Study trip of Moldovan youth civil society leaders to Slovakia
DAY 3: Alexander Duleba (the director of the SFPA), Teach for Slovakia (Veronika Pavlikova Klindová) and Slovak Debate Association & Academy of critical thinking (Ondrej Schutz)
DAY 4: Slovak Agency for International Development Cooperation - SlovakAid (Lucia Kišš), Nadácia Zastavme korupciu/Stop Corruption Foundation (Zuzana Petková), Nová Cvernovka (Braňo Čavoj) and Zelená hliadka/Green watch (Matúš Čupka)
DAY 5: Hidepark Nitra (Filip Stranovský) and Komunitná kaviareň&Katolícka charita/Community café&Catholic Charity (Juraj Juríček)
DAY 6: Vladimír Ledecký (the Mayor of the Spišský Hrhov) and OZ SOSNA – Ekocentrum/Ecocenter (Štefan Szabó)
DAY 7: Centrum komunitného organizovania/Center for community organizing and Nie v našom meste/Not In Our Town, Záhrada – Centrum nezávislej kultúry /Garden - Independent cultural centre (Milan Zvada)